
Proxymity Vote Connect Total – North America

Digital proxy voting solutions for the North American market

Learn more about Proxymity Vote Connect

The current landscape is complex and inefficient

Current Landscape

The proxy voting market has never been more challenging

  • Inefficient and outdated technology

    Outdated legacy technology gives rise to unnecessary costs, delays and poor user experience.

  • Inaccurate results

    Manual processes, together with poor system and stakeholder integration, leads to errors and loss of integrity.

  • Low innovation urgency

    A 95% market share/monopoly causes innovation to be stifled.

  • No real-time processing

    Legacy mainframe system with one-day batch cycle results in inaccurate and opaque voting.

  • Adaptability to changing regulations

    The regulatory landscape in the North American market is highly regulated and complex.

  • Data security

    Concern about the security measures to protect sensitive data from cyber threats and unauthorised access.

Proxymity Vote Connect Total – North America

Proxymity Vote Connect Total – North America

Transforming the North American investor communications ecosystem by connecting issuer and investor in real-time on a digital platform with benefits for issuers, intermediaries and end investors.

Gone are the days of tedious manual processes and complex workflows.

Proxymity Vote Connect Total is now available to custody banks, financial intermediaries, and their customers in North American markets, allowing them to vote in real-time, accurately, and transparently.

What could Proxymity Vote Connect do for you?

Issuers/Issuer agents

Connect with beneficial owners

  • Accurate

    Easily distinguish between agenda items supported by management and those suggested by shareholders.

  • Transparent

    Live vote progress receipt and tracking, without distortion or interference.

  • Real-time data flow

    Instant publication of agenda directly to institutional investors.


Full oversight of the process

  • Accurate

    Reduced operational risk & cost through the elimination of manual processing.

  • Transparent

    Vote status updates throughout the ballot lifecycle, including pre & post meeting confirmations.

  • Real-time

    Provision of the best deadlines for investor clients.

  • Visibility

    Complete view of any reconciliation breaks in the chain of custody.

  • Reduced operational risk and cost

    Improve processes by eliminating manual and time-consuming data handling.

  • Compliant

    Meets and exceeds all SEC and regulatory requirements. Backed by Mediant’s 20+ years of experience.


Improved Stewardship

  • Accurate, seamless voting

    Position reconciliation for both voted and unvoted ballots.

  • Transparent

    Vote status updates throughout the ballot lifecycle, including Pre & Post meeting confirmations.

  • Real-time processing

    True market deadlines for cross-border holdings resulting in an average of six additional days to research.