Modern Slavery Statement
Proxymity, a company registered in England & Wales under number 12569600, whose registered office is at Waverley House, 7-12 Noel Street, London, United Kingdom, W1F 8GQ (“Proxymity”) is firmly committed to conducting its business with integrity, fairness, and transparency.
In order to fulfil its business objectives, it relies on a dedicated workforce of skilled professionals based primarily in the UK, US, Australia and Israel, as well as in other locations as determined by business requirements.
Proxymity’s policies enshrine the company’s commitment to the dignity and welfare of all those who are associated with the company, whether as employees, contractors, suppliers or business partners. Proxymity’s policies require the company to act ethically and in accordance with applicable laws and industry best practices. This includes respect for labour laws and conducting appropriate on-going due diligence on suppliers we use or intend to use.
As a digital services company, our supply chain involves skilled people working remotely from locations around the world. The due diligence we conduct on our suppliers and partners, and the on-going third-party risk management processes we perform help Proxymity mitigate the risk of being involved in supply chains where human trafficking or child labour is taking place or where the appropriate safeguards are not established.
Proxymity’s staff are asked to be vigilant to signs of ill-treatment, and are required by policy to report instances of wrongdoing. Information about relevant labour issues, including the risk of human slavery are available to staff and awareness of these issues is integrated into any training they receive.
Proxymity’s ethical standards and code of conduct are laid out in our Employee Playbook. This creates a company standard that governs not only how we expect our employees to behave with each other, but also how our customers, partners, and other stakeholders can expect to be treated by Proxymity. All employees are required to acknowledge the code and ethics requirements as part of their induction programme and when any significant updates are made to the Employee Playbook.