Proxymity and BlackRock: Empowering Investors through Voting Choice
J.P. Morgan goes live in Denmark with Proxymity’s full digital proxy voting service, Vote Connect
Citi goes live in Australia and New Zealand with Proxymity’s full digital proxy voting service
Proxymity hits UK issuer milestone with 50% of FTSE 100
Proxymity features as “Most Promising RegTech Solution Provider” on CIO Review for APAC
Proxymity becomes an Associate ACSA (Australian Custodial Services Association) Member
Proxymity Provides Shareholder Disclosure Solution to Clearstream
Proxymity announces new investment by US firm Mediant, with Citi and Deutsche Börse closing the $52m Series B
Proxymity Announces New Strategic Investment by BNP Paribas Securities Services
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